Saturday Mass
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Sunday Mass
Sunday Newsletter
The Baptism of the Lord
A lesson in humility…
Dear Friends
Mary Greaves writes an introduction to this week’s Newsletter.
When you hear the Gospel this weekend you might ask the question why would the sinless Son of God undergo a baptism meant for sinners? The answer lies in His extraordinary humility and His desire to fully identify with us. Jesus did not need cleansing; instead, His baptism was an act of solidarity with humanity. By entering those waters, He showed that He was not distant or removed from our struggles. He came to live as one of us, to take on our burdens, our temptations, and ultimately, our sins.
For us today, this act of humility serves as both a model and a reminder. Jesus’ baptism teaches us the value of humility in our own lives. Just as He willingly embraced the human condition, we are called to step into places of service and connection with others, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may seem. His example invites us to lay aside pride and self-sufficiency, recognising our shared humanity and our deep need for God’s grace. Furthermore, Jesus’ baptism is a beautiful assurance that God meets us where we are.
This week, let’s reflect on the humility of Christ and ask ourselves how we can follow His example. Are there areas in our lives where we can serve others with a humble heart? Are we willing to identify with those who are struggling, offering them compassion and support?
Jesus’ baptism is not just a story of the past. It’s a call to live humbly, love deeply, and walk in the footsteps of our Saviour.
Mary Greaves
God Bless
Fr Herbert, Fr Reginald and Fr Bryan