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Working through the ordinary…
The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Friends
The Gospel (Luke 5:1-11) tells how Jesus calls Simon Peter. After a long night of catching nothing, Jesus tells Peter to cast his nets again. Though doubtful, Peter obeys, and the result is a miraculous catch of fish! Overwhelmed, he feels unworthy, but Jesus reassures him: “Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching people.” Peter and his companions leave everything to follow Jesus. So, what has this to do with us today?
Well the story is not just about Peter it’s about all of us. Like him, we experience moments of exhaustion, doubt, and fear. We may think, “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t have what it takes,” or “What difference can I make?” But Jesus meets us where we are, calls us deeper, and sends us out. How does this work for us in our world today?
God works through the ordinary, Peter was just doing his job when Jesus called him. God can use our everyday lives, our work, relationships, and struggles, for something greater. Faith requires trust, Jesus asks Peter to go deeper, even when it doesn’t make sense. Where is God calling us to trust Him more, in our families, workplaces, or church? We are called to mission, Jesus told Peter he would now “catch people.” This means sharing our faith through love, service, and invitation.
So this week we might ask ourselves, where is Jesus calling me to deeper faith, how can I be a light to someone in need, and am I willing to trust God, even when I don’t have all the answers?
Remember Jesus calls each of us not because we are perfect, but because we are willing.
Mary Greaves
God Bless
Fr Herbert, Fr Reginaldd and Fr Bryan
Sunday Mass
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Tuesday Mass
Saturday Mass
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