
Dear Friends

This Sunday the Fourth Sunday in Lent is also known as “Laetare Sunday.” The word “Laetare” comes from the Latin word for “rejoice.” Now it may seem a bit strange to celebrate when we are in the middle of Lent, a rather sombre time when we reflect on the Passion and Death of Our Lord, but this Sunday provides a brief respite from the austerity of the Lenten season and serves as a reminder of the ultimate hope and joy that Easter brings.

I’m sure as Lent continues we all are challenged in our Lenten observances but here is a time for us to renew our efforts with hope and enthusiasm. It is an invitation to experience the joy of reconciliation and renewal of our relationship with God.

This Sunday also reminds us that joy can be found even in the midst of life’s challenges. It encourages us to find reasons for rejoicing in every circumstance. It is an opportunity for us to express solidarity with those who are suffering and in need. It calls attention to the importance of compassion, charity, and support for one another, especially during times of difficulty.

Laetare Sunday serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for us as we journey through the Lenten season. It reminds us that even in the midst of fasting and repentance, there is joy to be found in the promise of Easter and the presence of God’s grace in our lives.

Finally. on this Mother’s Day, we give thanks to all mothers, both physical and spiritual – we appreciate the countless sacrifices you make and the love you give.
Happy Mother’s Day! 🌷💖

 Mary Greaves Please find our programme for Holy Week at the back of Church. 
Please note

Church Car Park Closure 

A Tree Surgeon will be working on the trees in the Presbytery Garden from Tuesday 19th – Thursday 21st March

Carpark will be closed after Mass on Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00am Mass and all day Thursday.

God Bless  

Fr Reginald, Fr Herbert and Fr Bryan

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