Making sacrifices..

Dear Friends

For many of us the season of Lent involves giving up certain foods, indulgences or habits; making sacrifices in order to deepen our faith. Yet for some it has become a self-centred and secular affair. The irony is that a time of self denial can easily turn into one of self-regard. It can become all about me and the things that are useful and relevant to my lifestyle.

Many of us use Lent as a kick-start to resume the diet or the exercise regime we promised ourself at the start of the new year. Now I’m not saying this is inherently wrong, but I believe it misses a valuable opportunity to embrace the spiritual and personal growth that Lent offers. When we fast it does not necessarily have to involve food, it might be giving up something that has a significant impact and sacrifice in our lives – social media, television or even the excessive consumption of material possessions.

By shifting the focus away from personal gratification, Lent can become not only a time of personal spiritual growth but much more. When we fast from something, whatever form it might take, we are reminded of our interconnectedness with others and encouraged to practice empathy and solidarity with those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Incorporating acts of service, charity, and advocacy alongside personal fasting can deepen the spiritual significance of Lent and help us to live out the values of compassion and social justice in a very tangible way.

 Mary Greaves 

Fr Herbert will be here on Friday 1st March. Welcome. 

First Holy Communion Class start on Sunday 3rd March at 2.00pm – 4.00pm

God Bless  

Fr Reginald and Fr Bryan

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